And now Ann Coulter is throwing her shoes gamely (gamily?) into the ring, invoking Murray as the (wrongly) maligned object of tohubohu and brouhaha at a liberal (-ish, we're talking about Elana Kagan here) New York dinner table.
I think Coulter (for all her apparent experience of New York liberal dinner tables) is selling her scorned target a bit short. Surely the topic of what the hell is wrong with the shvartzes has crossed the lips of a liberal New Yorker on more than an occasional basis?
But to step away from unnecessary and unfair religio-cultural mudsplattering for a moment, exactly what the hell is going on here? Two of the unshameliest flingers of red meat in the wonkosphere are bejewelling Chuckles "Galton's Bulldog" Murray with their humid attention. I sense a public (e)mission afoot!
We'll keep an eye on this, and thanks to a correspondent for the hot tip.